Would you like more details on cannabis oil? Are you interested in ordering CBD-oil?
Do you need detailed information on medicinal cannabis? Are you interested in ordering oils?
What is medicinal cannabis oil?
Cannabis contains different substances, including tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). The chemical composition of the cannabis determines the effects and the side effects. By using different variations of cannabis, produced by the Office of Medicinal Cannabis (Bureau voor Medicinale Cannabis), a wide range of products with a variety of combinations of THC and CBD can be offered.
The products provided by Clinical Cannabis Care are available on a doctor’s prescription. The products can also be prescribed by a specialist who is familiar with the patient in question.
The products that contain THC are available on a doctor’s prescription. The products that merely contain CBD can be ordered without a prescription once a patient has been registered.
Preparation of our medicinal cannabis oil
Clinical Cannabis Care BV is an entirely new pharmacy. The production process complies with GMP and makes use of the latest production equipment. This pharmacy exclusively delivers high-quality, pesticide-free and guaranteed consistent dosed cannabis products within the Netherlands.
The specialized and experienced pharmacists from Clinical Cannabis Care are completely focused on the production of cannabis. They have extensive expertise when it comes to the preparation and use of cannabis products.
Do you have a doctor’s prescription for medicinal cannabis and would you like to order it? Would you like to buy CBD oil? Are you interested in finding out more on available cannabis oils?
Do you need advice on prescribing medicinal cannabis? Interested in information on the treatment, indications and composition of available oils? Would you like to upload a prescription?
Would you like to have comprehensive information on the treatment, indications and composition of available medicinal cannabis oils? Would you like to order cannabis oils for your pharmacy?
More information
Information that we provide to patients, doctors and pharmacists has been based on data published by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports (Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport).
Would you like to receive general information on medicinal cannabis? Here Here you can find a brochure from the Office of Medicinal Cannabis (Bureau voor Medicinale Cannabis).